With the breakout of COVID-19 pandemic, Australian nurses are in the frontline to save as many lives as they can. In the course of this difficult time, our local CLY Tax Accountants Mitcham are more than happy to help you prepare and lodge your tax return if you are working as an employee nurse.
Income to Report
You need to include all your salary, wages and allowances you receive during the income year for your tax return. You do not have to include any reimbursement you receive unless it was listed as allowance on your payment summary by your employer.
Allowance you may receive to
- Recognize your holding of special skills such as a first-aid certificate
- Compensate for your working on weekends or even overtime meals
Allowance related income and deduction claim could be complicated depending on the a few factors such the nature of allowance, whether the allowances are on your payment summary, whether you spent more than your allowance.
Work Related Deductions
As a health professional such as nurse or midwife, our CLY Tax Accountant Mitcham has listed some common work-related items that you may purchase and then claim as tax deductions.
- Work uniform and clothing (including footwear): you may have clothing requirements which includes uniforms with a logo of your workplace or protective equipment to assist you in performing your work tasks (e.g., non-slip shoes). You can claim those clothing expense as well as related laundry cost.
- Annual practicing certificate fee: you can claim deduction for your annual practicing certificate fee (or nurse NMBA registration fee)
- Union and professional association fees: you can claim your regular membership cost if you are member of a particular nursing industry organization (e.g., ANMF)
- Car expense: this could be applicable if you are required by your employer to drive your own car from your usual clinic (or hospital) to another clinic (or hospital) for working purpose.
If you are looking for Mitcham accountants who understand or experienced in nurse and midwife industry, our CLY Tax Accountants & Bookkeeper Mitcham are proudly to provide you with professional and efficient accounting and tax return Mitcham services. We can also within the same group with CLY Financial Planning, who could also help clients with tax planning, super, insurance and investment advice upon clients request and needs. Please contact CLY Tax Accountants Mitcham to make an appointment to discuss your situation in detail. We are always here to help.